If there is an area of your life where you feel that despite your efforts and desires, you have difficulty to create a change or manifest what you want, there is a very good chance, you have a subconscious blocks that are holding you back from creating the expansion you want.
PSYCH-K® helps you to discover and release patterns and beliefs that might be limiting, restricting, and no longer serving you in creating the life you truly want, easily and quickly.
PSYCH-K® Is a cutting edge technology, an evolutionary tool used to upgrade our subconscious beliefs. Subconscious beliefs are the building blocks of our reality, of our attitudes and actions, from limiting to supporting ones..
If you would like to experience this powerful modality, I offer a limited number of a free mini-sessions a month, so one can experience PSYCH-K®. These mini-sessions are offered on first come first served basis, and are available only to people who haven’t experienced PSYCH-K®, or haven’t had a PSYCH-K® session with me. If available, 1 mini- session per person. All sessions are conducted online.
Free PSYCH-K® Mini-Session Book Here
Book a Regular PSYCH-K® session Here
Wellness Coaching
Transformational Wellness Coaching
I work with the gifts of intuition, advanced coaching methods and PSYCH-K® to help you release what no longer serves you.
Aside of energy healing, I have studied transformational coaching and holistic health coaching at the 2 of the world’s leading coaching schools, and have had transformational holistic wellness practice in NYC for the past 20 plus years.
Would like to schedule a coaching session? Schedule a Complimentary ‘Discover Your Roadblocks Breakthrough Coaching Session’ (please contact me about availability).
(Discover Your Roadblocks Breakthrough Session is about helping you get clear on what you really want & finding out what is stopping you from the success you deserve. Breakthrough session is about 45 minutes long).